17 May The 7 Wonders of the World and Architectures of Structures
Pyramid of Cheops
Pharaoh Cheops built this pyramid for himself and his wife. Located in the area where there are three pyramids (the Giza Pyramids), this structure has the distinction of being the largest pyramid in the world.
The building is about 146 feet tall. For the construction of this pyramid, about two million three hundred thousand stone blocks were used. Among the Decadent, the average weight of these stone blocks is 2.5 tons and 15 tons. The blocks of stone are manufactured from limestone. As for the parts where the bodies of the pharaohs were found, granite stone blocks have been used.
The Pyramid of Cheops is designed in the same way as all other pyramids. The people who built this structure built the structure in the form of a triangular edge that joins above, resting on a rectangular base.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, built by Nebuchadnezzar, were the pride of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar, these gardens he made for his wife, Seramis.
According to sources, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located on a large area supported by palm beams raised on stone columns. These palm beams are adorned with a variety of trees and flowers. These tree and flower shapes made it possible to hide the original structure, making it look like gardens hanging in the air. It is surrounded by large ramparts, which are said to be 100 meters around the garden. King Nebuchadnezzar has placed many artificial mountains, greenery, and running waters in this garden.
The historian Herodotus, who lived in the 450s B.C., said that the city’s outer walls were 80 km long, 25 meters thick, and 100 meters long. There were castles and temples with giant statues made of solid gold inside the walls.
Temple of Artemis (Temple of Diana)
The Temple of Artemis of Ephesus is located in the Ancient City of Ephesus in the Seljuk district of Izmir. The Goddess Artemis, It’s a Greek temple dedicated to Goddess Artemis.
The Temple of Artemis A.D. 401 was completely rebuilt three times before the final destruction, which was carried out in. Today, only some fragments of sculptures and the temple’s foundations remain in the temple.
The roof of the temple is made of wood. For this reason, this structure has been damaged many times over the years.
Although the archaic period temple survived almost unharmed until the Hellenistic Period, it was approximately B.C. 356 in the year Herostratus. It has been demolished by the.
The Temple of Artemis consists of two phases.
The First Stage (Archaic Period): There are reliefs at the bottom of the columns.
It is known that there is a window in the thickness of the temple.
The Second Stage (Hellenistic Period): The Hellenistic temple has many similarities with the temple of the archaic period in many respects. It is built with the same plan and the same foundation. Unlike the front, the back has nine columns. The front part consists of three columns.
As a result of a proclamation issued around 380 A.D., polytheistic religions were banned and the temple was destroyed.
Statue of Zeus
Phidias made the sculpture for the Temple of Zeus, built on Mount Olympus, in B.C. 456.
The Statue of Zeus is a statue representing Zeus sitting down. This sculpture is, on average, 13 meters tall. The sculpture was made of ivory and gold, and the throne on which Zeus sits is made of ebony wood. The statue features Nike, the goddess of victory, in the right hand of Zeus and a wand decorated with eagle inlay in the left hand.
The statue was decorated with Greek gods and mystical animal figures. The Statue of Zeus hardly fit into the temple due to its size.
It also burned down due to a fire disaster.
Tomb of King Mausollos (Mausoleum of Halicarnassus)
His wife and sister built the Tomb of King Maussollos on his behalf of King Maussollos.
This is a large-sized tomb that resembles Greek architecture with its columns and Egyptian architecture with its pyramid-shaped roof. Due to its importance, all subsequent structures of the same style have been referred to as mausoleums.
This structure consists of 32 x 38 meters of base dimensions. The long edge is 242,5 meters, while the short edge is 105 meters; it rises over a large area. This building has 4 parts and a height of 55 meters.
It was destroyed.
Statue of Rhodes
The Statue of Rhodes is a statue of the Greek Sun God Helios, located on the island of Rhodes belonging to the city of Rhodes. It is situated at the entrance to the harbor.
The people of the island of Rhodes, who survived the one-year siege, showed their triumph and joy by making this statue. It took 12 years to build.
The Statue of Rhodes is made of bronze and is 32 meters in length. It is also believed that this statue holds a torch in its hands.
B.C. 225 or 226 was destroyed as a result of an earthquake.
Lighthouse Of Alexandria
The Alexandria Lighthouse was built in Alexandria, Egypt. This lighthouse is the largest and tallest in history.
This lantern pedestal is 135 meters in height and is white marble. A large mirror is located on top of the lantern, and this mirror can be seen from a distance of 70 km.
The lower part of the lantern is rectangular and has an average height of 55 meters. It was 27 meters long and cylindrical with a ramp in the middle. The top part of the lantern was shaped like a cylinder.
In 955, the upper part of the Alexandria Lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake and storm. In the following year, the body of 1302 was ruined by another earthquake. 1500; however, all the remains of this lighthouse have been destroyed.